
Saturday, August 26, 2023

No-Cook Vegan Travel Recipes


Sometimes it’s hard to find vegan options when traveling. And if you want to travel on a budget, it helps to make your own food. But sometimes you don’t have access to a kitchen, or even a fridge. 

Some grocery stores, like Albert Heijn in the Netherlands, will have ready-made vegan options available. But if you can’t find anything, you can make your own. 

Here are some vegan foods I eat while traveling that don’t require a kitchen. Most can be made without a fridge as well. 

1. Spread with hummus, veggies, crackers, olives 

I love to try the local olives and bread with some wine. You can make it a fuller meal with a spread of hummus or other dip, veggies, olives, crackers, and bread. 

If you don’t have access to a fridge, get any cold items you want right before you’re going to eat. Maybe stop at the store on the way to a picnic spot. 

2. Salad

This works better if you have a fridge. I like to mix any lettuce and other veggies I can find, plus beans or nuts for some protein. It can be hard to find American salad dressings in other countries, but most stores have oil and balsamic vinegar. 

3. Sandwiches or wraps 

If you don’t have a fridge, you can make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. These are good snacks for on the go too. 

If you have a fridge, you can buy more veggies and hummus or other spread. 

4. Granola and soy milk

I like to eat granola with milk like cereal. I noticed what I call granola in the US is called Muesli in Europe. 

Some countries don’t have a wide variety of vegan milk options, but I’m usually able to find soy milk. If you don’t have fridge, you might be able to find small bottles of shelf-stable soy milk. 

5. Nuts and dried fruit 

I like to have nuts and dried fruit with me as a backup in case I can’t find other food I can eat. It doesn’t really feel like a meal but will have enough calories and a range of nutrients. 

6. Try local snacks

I like to pick at least one new local item every time I go to the grocery store. For example, in Mostar I found ajvar, a delicious red pepper dip.